
From My Heart to Yours

Less School, More Blogging!

I'm so relieved to be done with my sophomore year of college! 
Now that I have more time on my hands, I can share more of myself with you guys. So I guess this is what's new with me: 

I've recently been updating my wardrobe, and I've decided to give skirts a chance. 
2 years ago I wouldn't be caught dead in a skirt, but thanks to lovely friends & a wonderful boyfriend (along with self-esteem of course!) I'm becoming much more comfortable with my body. 

I never write anything on this blog, but I am determined to keep it up this time. I caught myself blogging in my head every time a made a purchase this week lol, so I think it was a sign. 

Initially I wanted to only focus on fashion and how to make plus size women feel beautiful, but life is about a whole lot more than that. I plan on sharing my tips & advice, as well as my insecurities & my life. Hope you guys enjoy what I have to say...coming straight from my heart to yours. 

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